As a longer-term investment products, trading and holding physical precious metals in recent years, individual investors are very popular.
Index is one kind of indicators show, for information, share price movements prepared by the stock exchange or financial services institutions.
The stock is one of the world's most popular financial products, financial products, through Audrn trading system, investors can invest in major global hot stocks.
Commodity trading in the world and occupies an important position. AUDRN LIMITED mainly provides investors including crude oil, natural gas, corn, cotton and other commodities.
Audrn Limited aims for global investors to build a world-class financial services platform and provide advanced technical support and guaranteed reliable customer service.
Audrn Group is a high-quality technical development team, the accumulated years of experience, to provide investors with stable and powerful online trading platform, websites and PC trading systems.
Audrn Limited has consistently abide by the laws and regulations of regulatory authorities, to provide regular financial reports to regulatory authorities, strict supervision and standardize management.
"Single moth" week to market chaos, the goal is not only a small gold 1300!
Monday (April 17th), although it is Easter the next day, the multinational stock market / Europe and the United States and China's crude oil and precious metals CME foreign exchange are closed, but the spot is still open trading of gold and silver. Sunday (April 16th) Turkey referendum on constitutional amendment ...